Beginner Semi-Private 5 Week Pass

Wed, Sep 25 1:00 PM EDT Gavin Wolpert Interactive Lecture Private Fundamentals Lessons

Beginning Wednesday September 25th at 1PM ET we will be hosting a semi-private set of lessons on the Fundamentals for Beginners.  

People who join the group should already understand the following:

The mechanics of the game (tricks, following suit, trumps)

Counting High Card Points

Basic opening bids

Each week will be structured to tackle one or two new bidding situations while helping you build a thought process on declarer play and defense.

By purchasing this class pass you will get access to all 5 weeks.   If you cannot make a particular week you will still get access to the video and the practice deals which you can play as many times as you want on our website.  

Authentication required!

People who have purchased a lesson can ask questions. Even if you cannot attend live, our staff will be happy to answer questions you might have.

You must own the lesson and be logged in to view the questions and answers!


Private Fundamentals Lessons