2024 Being Hungry for Overtricks at Matchpoints

Sat, Aug 10 2024 Gavin Wolpert Interactive Lecture Palo Alto Bridge Center Events

One of the quickest ways to improve your pair game scores is by taking more overtricks.  When everyone is in the same contract an overtrick can earn you as much as 25-50% more matchpoints on a board.  This class will help you build a thought process as declarer that focuses on eliminating losers.   You will also learn about when it is right to risk your contract for overtricks.

After taking the class you will have access to the video, notes and also the ability to replay the practice hands demonstrated in the class right on our website.

For further info about the topics mentioned in the video, take a look at the following lessons:

When to Delay Drawing Trumps      Declaring 4-4 Fits     Capitalizing on Honor Leads

Category: Declarer Play
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